Hemorrhoid Removal Using Laser Published Research

The following seven studies were conducted on the use of laser for hemorrhoid removal as opposed to traditional scalpel surgery. The overall results are less recovery times and and less pain for many patients.

Dis Colon Rectum 1995 Dec;38(12):1265-9 Related Articles

Ambulatory hemorrhoidectomy with CO2 laser.

Hodgson WJ, Morgan J.

Section of Gastro-Intestinal and Colo-Rectal Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, New York, USA.

PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to evaluate ambulatory hemorrhoidectomy using the CO2 laser. METHODS: Ninety consecutive patients (50 males, 40 females), 80 percent of whom had second or third degree hemorrhoids, had ambulatory hemorrhoidectomy performed with a CO2 laser in the left lateral Sims position under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Dissection was entirely performed with the CO2 laser using an open technique. RESULTS: One patient with polycythemia vera was admitted subsequently for secondary hemorrhage. All but three patients had healed within four weeks. No long-term sequelae were encountered. CONCLUSION: These results compare favorably with those obtained by others and show that ambulatory laser hemorrhoidectomy may simplify management in selected patients.

J Chir (Paris) 1990 Apr;127(4):227-9

[Outpatient hemorrhoidectomy using the CO2 laser]

Masson JL.

In the free standing center of ambulatory surgery of Nice, proctology with carbon dioxide laser is a basic activity. Among 177 cases of proctology operated during 1989, we find 91 hemorrhoidectomies realized with CO2 laser in strictly ambulatory surgery (no hospitalization). This work’s interet is demonstrating adaptation to the laser makes many advantages to the classic operation of Milligan and Morgan: simplification of the surgical technique easy post-operative course, no hospitalization and quicker return to work, leading to a lower cost of this pathology. Complications are rare and excellent results noted.

Dis Colon Rectum 1991 Jan;34(1):78-82

The role of lasers in hemorrhoidectomy.

Wang JY, Chang-Chien CR, Chen JS, Lai CR, Tang RP

Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taipei, Taiwan.

Abstract: Laser hemorrhoidectomy patients had less pain, less constipation, less urinary retention, and spent less time in the hospital than traditional hemorrhoidectomy patients.

Eighty-eight patients who received treatment for hemorrhoids were randomized into two groups. Group A received the Nd-YAG laser phototherapy for internal hemorrhoid combined with the CO2 laser for external hemorrhoid. Group B was treated with closed Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy. The need of narcotic injections for pain relief was 11 percent in group A vs. 56 percent in group B (P less than 0.001). The incidence of postoperative urinary retention was 7 percent in group A, vs. 39 percent in group B (P less than 0.05). No enema was required postoperatively in group A, vs. 9 percent in group B; 84 percent of the patients in group A were discharged on the second postoperative day, vs. 83 percent of the patients in group B discharged on the fifth postoperative day. The cost was 20 percent less in the former group.

Jpn J Surg 1989 Nov;19(6):658-61

The laser treatment of hemorrhoids: results of a study on 1816 patients.

Iwagaki H, Higuchi Y, Fuchimoto S, Orita K

Higuchi General Hospital, Okayama, Japan.

Laser is an effective, simple and harmless clinical procedure used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as an alternative to medical therapy or surgery. In this report, we describe our experience of applying carbon dioxide laser to hemorrhoids in a total 1816 consecutive patients. The results lead us to conclude that the laser treatment of hemorrhoids is effective in pain alleviation from the first session and that patients so treated have a much more comfortable postoperative course.

Vestn Khir Im I I Grek 1989 Sep;143(9):3-5

[Carbon dioxide laser in the surgical treatment of proctologic diseases]

Skobelkin OK, Tolstykh PI, Derbenev VA, Ste’nko VG, Kochurkov NV.

Results of the surgical treatment of 556 patients with different diseases of the anorectal area with the help of CO2 laser are presented. Functional results were good, the amount of postoperative complications was 1.5 times less, recurrences were half less, the time of intrahospital treatment was 1.5 day shorter, the period of ambulatory rehabilitation 3.8 days shorter.

Int J Colorectal Dis 1995;10(1):22-4

CO2 laser haemorrhoidectomy–does it alter tadalafil anorectal function or decrease pain compared to conventional haemorrhoidectomy?

Chia YW, Darzi A, Speakman CT, Hill AD, Jameson JS, Henry MM

Department of Surgery, Central Middlesex Hospital, London, UK.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser haemorrhoidectomy is feasible and safe provided it is used with care. It is associated with a reduced requirement for post-operative analgesia. The CO2 laser caused no significant alteration in anorectal physiology.

http://www.slti.com/hemorrhoid.php, 1998-99

Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum, Aurora, CO and Dr. Allen Snyder, Pittsburgh, PA

It is a simple, rapid, and remarkably effective procedure. These doctors report that the procedure is significantly shorter with the Contact Laser technique, taking approximately 20 minutes for one large hemorrhoid and about 45 minutes for three. Following cold knife, electrocautery, or non-contact laser hemorrhoidectomy, patients typically remain in the hospital for 3-5 days and leave in considerable discomfort. Following Contact Laser hemorrhoidectomy, the typical patient will return home the same day, by 3 or 4 days they prednisone are moving their bowels without undue pain or difficulty, and they can return to their normal routine by 7-10 days post-operatively.

Both physicians find a marked difference in pain compared to traditional techniques. Though it is not clear which aspects of the procedure are responsible for this reduction in post-surgical symptoms, the total procedure using this technique appears to have a positive impact on the patient’s recovery. There is less tissue damage and muscle stimulation than with other methods, the laser seals lymphatics so that there is markedly less edema, and there is some belief that the laser energy may also seal nerve endings.